Step 1
Remove your Beanz bag from the box and make sure you have a liner and outer bean bag cover. We sell the bags unfilled so you will need to have purchased your bean filler in order to fill your bean bag. Each box/info sheet informs how many beans filler you need for your bean bag.

Step 2
Nope, it is not bath time, not yet at least. However, the tub, if you have one, will be the best spot to fill the inner white bag to contain possible spill of Bean Beads. Make sure the tub is empty and dry with the plug in so any spill is contained and easy to collect. If you don't have a bathtub/bigger box just use a room with plenty of floor space so you can see if there is any spillage.

Step 3
This is a two person job – One person holds the liner while the other pours the bean filler into the liner. Open the liner zipper. Make a funnel with the top of the bean filler plastic bag by rolling one side of the bag down until you have a funnel shape. It really is better to pour the beans in, rather than try and put the whole neck of the filler bag in the liner. Stop pouring once in a while and shake down the beans.

Step 4
Once the liner is filled, zip up the liner and expel the air before closing. Then remove paper clips. Put the filled liner aside and vacuum up. Small lightweight beads used as filler present severe danger to children if swallowed or inhaled. Always take care when filling and pick up any beans that spill out.

Step 5
Place the filled inner bag and put it inside the outer cover. Zip up and remove paper clips from your outer bag. Please note that, if you wish to open the bean bag cover, or inner, you will need a paper clip. The lock system ensures young children cannot gain access to bean filler by undoing zips.

Step 6
You may need to give your bean bag a bit of a jiggle to get beans in the right place (especially for Mini Bean as you need to 'jiggle' bean filler into the arm rest areas). Now you are ready to relax in your Beanz Bean Bag!