BEANZ Lifestyle is a family business operated out of Mount Maunganui.
At Beanz Lifestyle, we couldn’t be happier and prouder, to say that we have over 100 Bean Bags and the widest range of colours, fabrics and shapes. Now that’s something to say out loud! We have been around since 2008, so we can quite confidently say that we know bean bags and the indoor/outdoor living quite well that we love and live for.
Since way back when we started in -08 in the 07 (#MountMaunganui)
We have been through and tested all the shapes and different sizes. At times it has not been easy sitting down in bean bags for hours and hours on end. It was a tiresome job as we most often fell asleep in all our bean bag furnitures as we tested them out…zzz
We have both Outdoor and Indoor Bean Bags that are both durable, stylish and affordable. They come in all sizes and shapes, and we are continuously adding to our range with creative new prints and styles.
Our range of Bean Bags are much like their owners – they enjoy the rays of the sun and can be ok in the odd rain shower or so… However, the harsh sun fades the material and colour quickly and being left out in the rain makes no one happy. So, the short of the long is to store them out of sun and rain, making them last much longer and a part of your furniture for many years to come.
Our Bean Bags are responsible made in China.